I've been cranking away on some interesting designs seeing what works and what doesn't work and so far its coming along nicely. I have also been playing around a lot with scene composition. I don't want the room to be to filled up that you feel a bit claustrophobic but at the same time I don't want it to be to empty that its just a big empty room. Finding that balance has proven a challenge. My plan though is to have all of the high poly work done by the end of the week and then have all of the low poly models for it done by the middle of next week. The blue cylinders are placeholders that represent awesome particles and some sweet looking beams of light =)
On with the pics!
This next image is a view of the walls in the room; I wanted to overcome that vertical feeling you get when looking at a wall. I wanted to have something coming out of the wall and at the same time something being pushed inward. I feel that when I finish a few more assets and place them in the scene the solution I came up with will work out quite well.
Since the foliage is now over in my modeling for games class we have to do a character/creature. This was a perfect opportunity to create a creature a friend of mine (Ashley Sarroca) made last year. The concept is posted below along with what I have done with the sculpt so far; ever since she drew this lovely creature I have been wanting to create it and this project allowed me the chance to do it.